U.S. Presidents

What you didn't KNOW about our Presidents!!!

#0 President, Benjamin Franklin
Yes, the job was offered to Ben but he turned it down saying, "There's
your President over there" pointing toward George Washington.
Ben was a very old man, in his 80's.

Ben is known as "The Father of American Business". Ben was a printer by trade, very poor early in life. He read every book he could get hold of. Only wealthy people owned them at that time, but they longed to talk to others who read books. Ben use this to gain access to even more books to read. At about age 18 he left NY for the new city, Philadelphia. He was promised money by the govenor to buy the latest printing equipment in England, but he got on the boat and never recieved the money. The Governor didn't have any money and had made the empty promise to others also. A few years later, Ben earned enough money to pay his way back to America. He had the idea to start a newspaper, but a jealous former employer stole his idea and started his own. Nine months later as he was failing, Ben bought out his newspaper, then started writing columns about POLITICS in the paper. People in NY and Boston had to get the paper to read what was being said about the 13 colonies.

Ben Franklin developed (invented/started) many new concepts such as bifocal glasses, the first fire department, the first public library, electricity, and time management (efficiency/productivity). Probably his greatest accomplishment was securing French money, guns, ships, gun powder, and credit providing despirately needed supplies for the American Revolutionary war. He was so effective, besides getting all the support the French loved him! The war tooks its toll on Ben's personal life. He had a son who was Governor of New Jersey and sided with the British. If Ben had been caught the British would have hung him. Ben didn't have anything to do with his son after the war.

Before the Revolutionary war about a third of the people wanted to stay British, a third wanted to form a new country, and a third didn't care! Today in Politics the same ratio's apply. That is why leadership is so important, today as it was in the 1770's.

More coming soon....

#1 President, George Washington

George survived two near death experiences before he became President. Once he was in an Indian war, leading his men from atop of a white horse. During the battle the Indians new he was the leader and targeted him with arrows and bullets. Each time they failed to hit George. After the battle, the Medicine man for the Indians asked to meet the Great Leader who rode the white horse. He said he had strong medicine to protect him, stronger than he had ever seen. They had made him a special target and any normal man would have been killed several times. The second time occured when the American army was fighting the British. The British had a sniper (sharp shooter) who zeroed in on George. Because George had his back to the sharp shooter, he would not shoot at George.

George was a big man that stood 6 feet 2 inches tall. In those days the average man was only about 5 feet to 5 feet 5 inches tall. George had false teeth made out of wood. During the American Revolution George had the difficult task of training the army, keeping them fed, and rallying the soldiers for battle against the superior British and mercenary Hessian forces. He turned to a Prussian General (it's not certain he really was one) named ....... who trained the American army. His statue is at West Point and he was the most significant influence in the Americans being able to defeat the British. He instilled discipline and inovative training enabling the Americans some important advantages which they desparately needed. The greatest moment was when early in the morning when yet dark, they quietly paddled small boats accross the Delaware River to surprise the British and Hessian armies, taking them prisoners while they slept. Most importantly, it provided a needed boost of moral to an army cold, homesick, and uncertain in spirit. With the very important victory at a minimal loss of life, the army was overcome with confidence.